Laboratory services offered:
Food Tests | Water Tests | Coal and Charcoal Tests | Petroleum Products Tests | Pharmaceutical Tests | Microbiological Tests | How to submit a sampleSome of the products that we have tested:
- Water and waste-waters;
- Trade effluents;
- Marine ballast water;
- Bunker fuel oils;
- Lubricating oils;
- Environmental air filters and monitors;
- Sanitizers, detergents and disinfectants;
- Pharmaceuticals;
- Cosmetics;
- Bottled water, energy drinks, beverages and fruit juices;
- Raw Meat and Meat products;
- Frozen Meat for Export and Import DAFF regulations;
- Milk and Dairy products;
- Sugars, syrups and molasses;
- Flour and Bakery products;
- Maize and wheat products;
- Poultry and Egg products;
- Herb and Spice products;
- Frozen Seafood/Marine products;
- Canned products (such as meat, fish and vegetables);
- Agricultural commodities grading;
- Cannabis and hemp products;
- Coal, coke and charcoal;
- Vegetable and cooking oils.
Other related services that we offer are:
- Sampling and investigations;
- Pollution and environmental measurements;
- Checking net and gross package weights, up to 60kg;
- Chemical consulting;
- Consulting to the insurance and legal professions;
- Routine Quality Control and Quality Assurance on raw materials and finished products;
- Manufacture and supply of specific laboratory reagents and chemical solutions;
- Formulations;
- Referee and independent lab tests or the witnessing of tests in other laboratories on behalf of clients;
- Issuing of Certificates of Analysis;
- Skills training in laboratory techniques and practise;
- Product endorsements;
- Consulting for Laboratory Accreditation ISO 17025, or independent auditing.
Visit our general Laboratories website at
Food Tests:
- Nutritional Value, labelling requirements;
- Moisture or humidity;
- Water Activity measurements;
- Proteins (Kjeldahl);
- Fats and oils;
- Carbohydrates;
- Sugars and starches;
- Energy Value, calories or kiloJoules;
- Minerals;
- Sodium;
- Salt;
- Heavy metals;
- Colour measurements; Lovibond, Pt-Co, Gardner;
- Food Poisoning investigations;
- Insecticide residues screening for organo-phosphates and carbamates;
Water Tests:
- Potable waters;
- Tests according to SANS requirements;
- Swimming pool water;
- Trade effluents;
- Marine waters;
- Borehole waters;
- Bottled water;
- SANS 241 drinking water quality tests.
Contact us for a full list of tests.
Coal and Charcoal Tests:
- Proximate Analysis;
- Air-dry moisture;
- Free, superficial moisture;
- Inherent moisture;
- Total moisture;
- Ash content;
- Fixed Carbon;
- Gross Calorific Value, by Bomb Calorimeter;
- Phosphorus and its compounds;
- Size Grading, particle size distribution;
- Self-heat Test on charcoal, IMDG Code;
- Smoke Point;
- Flame Propagation Test on charcoal, UN method.
Petroleum Products Tests:
Lubrication oils and Fuel Oils
- Kinematic Viscosity;
- Dynamic viscosity;
- Density, API and SG measurements;
- Ford Cup Viscosity;
- Brookfield Viscosity;
- Flash Point;
- Fire Point;
- Auto-ignition Point;
- Conradson Carbon Residue;
- Ash content;
- ASTM Distillation;
- Heat of Combustion, ASTMD4868;
- Insolubles and extractables;
- Water content, by distillation;
- Water content, by Karl Fischer;
- Pour Point;
- Cloud Point;
- Colour measurements; ASTM, Saybolt and IP
- TAN, TBN and SAN;
- Metals by ICP;
- Screening by FTIR;
- Electrical conductivity on fuel oils, e.g. jet fuel;
Pharmaceutical Tests:
- UV Spectrophotometry measurements;
- Melting Point measurements;
- Humidity tests;
- Tests according to the BP and USP.
We can also offer the following microbiological tests:
- Total Mesophilic Aerobic Plate Count/Colony Count §;
- Total Anaerobic Plate Count/Colony Count §;
- Total Microaerophilic Plate Count/Colony Count;
- Total Thermophilic aerobic Plate Count/Colony Count;
- Total Psychrotrophic Count;
- Total Coliform §;
- Total Faecal Coliform Count;
- Total Yeast and Mould Count §;
- Sulphate Reducing Bacteria;
- Presence of E.coli and E.coli type I §;
- Presence and confirmation of Salmonella species §;
- Presence of Shigella species;
- Presence of Staphylococcus aureus §;
- Presence of Pathogenic Clostridial Species (certain strains of Clostridium perfringens);
- Presence of Pathogenic Vibrio species; not routinely available;
- Presence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa;
- Presence of Mesophilic Lactobacillus species (Acidoduric species);
- Presence of Thermoduric Lactobacillus species and spore formers;
- Presence of Acinetobacter species;
- Presence of Lipolytic Organisms;
- Presence of Bacillus cereus;
- Presence of Faecal Coliforms; and presence of Faecal Streptococci;
- Presence of Flat Sour Organisms §;
- Presence of Osmophilic Yeasts and Moulds;
- Cultural isolation and identification (Gram Stain and Biochemical Tests i.e. API);
- Presence or absence of antibiotics in meat products and poultry;
- Microbiology tests by Real-time PCR;
- Food Pathogen Microbiological Analysis; and Food Spoilage Microbiological Analysis.
Tests marked with § are SANAS accredited.
SANAS schedule of accredited tests may be viewed at our "Accreditation Certificate" page.
For more information on bacteriology, check out our other website at
How to submit a sample:
- If you are sending a sample to us for the first time or requesting any of our other services, then kindly request our Service Level Agreement form.
- If you are already a client of ours and have already submitted the Service Level Agreement, aka SLA form, then you are only requested to submit your current requirements in writing, such as order number, what test to be done, etc., with the samples.
- Perishable samples for bacteriological tests must be delivered to us at a temperature below 10°C, i.e. refrigerated or in a cooler box with ice blocks.
- Products that are normally stored frozen should also be delivered to us in a frozen condition.
- Upon delivery of the sample at our laboratories, kindly check and sign our Job Card after checking the details that our staff have filled in on the form, to avoid any misunderstanding about what you require.